
borehole casting中文是什么意思

  • 钻孔套管



  • 例句与用法
  • Application of borehole cast pile in complex sloping foundation
  • Application of multi - arch retaining structure composed of borehole cast - in - place piles to deep foundation pit
  • Test of borehole cast - in - place pile quality through combination of low - strain reflection method and coring method
  • This differ with computation modal that design the foundation pier very big , bearing power too than design increment ; usage mechanics numerical analysis device with limited a logarithm of timw fitting method logt , noted the rock strength in stake tip of the borehole cast - in - place concrete pile to proceed with the structure steadiness the simulation compute to study with the fixed amount , designing for the engineering to start construction to provide for science with the spot
  • This article aims at the characteristics of a baibie harbor great bridge , by the spot construction test and mechanicses , limited an analysis , dissolve to the construction technics and loading capacity , stake deliver mechanism , bearing stratum and glazing rock depth area curve etc . s of the borehole cast - in - place concrete pile in the karst terrain do the some study research
  • By the check - out , inspection and measurement to start construction the industrial art to this test pile with the examination between stake body mass and bearing power , made sure the stroke reasonable operation method drilling under the dissolved cavern geology term ; the pier foundation loading test expressed the lading and rub the lading that resistance drag a glazing for of relation , and to the borehole cast - in - place concrete pile in the karst terrain deliver with break the mechanism , the characteristic of bearing power , proceeding the spot test job of the full of result ; the test data expresses the stake side friction resistance to rises with a bat batch terminal friction resistance very important function , the of tip of pile resistance drag occupies the proportion very few
  • 推荐英语阅读
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